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  • The latest bargaining information for Kaleida Health, the Leaguers Inc., and Verso Books.(Feed generated with FetchRSS)
  • Workers at the Labor Network for Sustainability won a commitment from the organization’s leadership to grant voluntary recognition of the […]

In Memoriam

Mark DeSotto, 63

Date of death: Mon, 04/06/2020

40 years of service

Charlie Murphy, 68

Date of death: Thu, 01/09/2020

43 years of service

When working people vote, working people win. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about the upcoming election and what’s at stake, so I want to take a moment to make sure you know about all Read more…

Read on the web: Birds of a Feather Flocked Together: CWA 1180-Bird Union Members Vote UNANIMOUSLY to Ratify Their First Union Contract! On September 23rd, two years after they voted to join CWA Local 1180 Read more…


NEWSLETTER Send tips to or @CWANews. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Strikers Stand Strong Two Years into America’s Longest Running Strike Share This Article:     CWA members at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PG) have proven their mettle as a fighting union, standing Read more…

ACTIVIST ALERT Don’t forget about tomorrow’s action in support of striking CWA members at AT&T Southeast! In case you missed it, the original message is below. And make sure to sign our petition telling AT&T CEO John Read more…

ACTIVIST ALERT Dear CWA Members, Retirees, and Supporters CWA members in District 3 are on strike against AT&T Southeast due to the company’s failure to engage in good faith bargaining. Our bargaining committees have been Read more…

TELECOM VICE PRESIDENTS COMMITTEETelecom Industry News CWA in the News CWA, On the Strike Line: Remembering Gerry Horgan, 8/8Live 5 News, AT&T workers hold informational picket amid ongoing contract negotiations, 8/6The Guardian, US chip factory Read more…

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