There’s a critical upcoming election for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and we need your help. Elon Musk and other wealthy anti-worker CEOs are pouring millions of dollars into the race to elect their hand-picked candidate. They want control of the court so they can restrict our freedom to bargain contracts and mobilize for better working conditions.
We can’t let them win.
That’s why we are hosting a National Phone Bank on March 20th to urge Wisconsin voters to vote for CWA’s endorsed candidate, Judge Susan Crawford. She’s spent her career fighting for fairness, justice, and the rights of working people – especially union members like us.
The phone bank will take place on Zoom. You’ll receive training to get you up to speed on the election and how to phone bank. All you need is a phone and a computer or tablet to make calls (headphones optional).
I hope you can join us to help get out the vote in this important election!
In solidarity,
Curtis Hierro
CWA National Political Field Director