VTP Offer 6/15
There was a VTP offer announced today by AT&T. This is to Building, operators, mechanics and technicians. See the attached list for full details
There was a VTP offer announced today by AT&T. This is to Building, operators, mechanics and technicians. See the attached list for full details
May 25, 2021 Brothers and Sisters, I am writing to inform you that we have reached an agreement with AT&T to extend our work from home agreements in all of our units until September 30, 2021. For over a year, many of our members have been able to work from Read more…
Topic: Local 1150’s Membership Zoom Meeting Time: Apr 15, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92655879395?pwd=VHFHRnpmd28rWUZqbnJHRUoreVpGQT09 Meeting ID: 926 5587 9395 Passcode: 911363
There will be a second membership meeting on May 13, 5pm. click this title to see more info about the meeting. https://zoom.us/j/98577742029?pwd=aWN5QTZKTldVSEdqMGsxSmJqSE1SUT09
Sorry for the delay in this announcement. We recently upgraded our email account to AWS and ran into some coding issues that have now been corrected. The company announced a VTP offer yesterday. please see the attached document for the affected titles and locations. click the story title to see Read more…