CWA work from home agreement
May 25, 2021
Brothers and Sisters,
I am writing to inform you that we have reached an agreement with AT&T to extend our work from home agreements in all of our units until September 30, 2021.
For over a year, many of our members have been able to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. These arrangements were necessary to keep our members safe and to survive these unprecedented circumstances. When we left our workplaces, no one realized what our country was facing, and no one expected it would last as long as it has.
As always, our members rose to the occasion–they have been truly essential. Without reliable telecommunications service our hospitals could not function, millions of people would not have been able to continue working remotely, and children would have been cut off from education.
As we prepare for the return to our normal working conditions, CWA recognizes that returning to the workplace will have a tremendous impact on our members who have adapted to working at home during the pandemic.
I want to provide you with ample notice of the date the COVID-19 work at home agreements are expected to end. The date is October 1, 2021, provided the workplace is safe. Please let your members know so they can start to make necessary arrangements in their home life. In some cases, per our agreements, the company may start bringing employees back to the workplace prior to September 30th.
I assure you that CWA will work closely with AT&T to ensure that the workplaces are safe for the return of our members. We will continue to monitor the pandemic data and, if necessary, for the safety of our members, make adjustments to the return to work schedule.
Vaccinations are readily available and are the best way to protect against COVID-19. I strongly encourage all members to get the vaccine. Doing so will allow us to gather together with our members without restriction and support businesses near our workplaces that depend on our patronage.
Thank you for your leadership and your tireless efforts to keep our members safe.
In Unity,
Christopher M. Shelton