For MEDICARE eligible retirees:
*Please refer to non-medicare eligible information is you are coving dependents who are not eligible for medicare.
Monthly contributions: Choice 1 Choice 2
Existing Regional Option Alternative Option
None None
Medical (Network) Choice 1 Choice 2
Deductibles For medical expenses, Individual-$400/Family-$800
Coinsurance current plan provisions 10%
Out-of-pocket Max continue to apply. Individual-$1000/Family-$3000
Copays None
*In Option 2, non-network deducibles and out-of-pocket maximums are adjusted to remain at three times the network amounts. Out-of-pocket msximums do not include deductibles.
Prescription Drugs – Applies to Choice 1 and Choice 2
Deductible 2010 2011 2012
(Retail and Mail Order $75 $125 $175
Coinsurance None None None
Out-of-Pocket Individual-$1500 Individual-$1500 Individual-$1500
Maximums Family-$3000 Family-$3000 Family-$3000
Copays 2010 2011 2012
Retail Generic $10 $10 $11
Retail Preferred $30 $30 $33
Retail nonpreferred $50 $50 $55
Mail Generic $20 $20 $28
Mail Preferred $75 $75 $83
Mail Nonpreferred $125 $125 $138
*In addition to the changes noted above, there will be common prescription drug provisions in all regions effective January 1, 2010.