VTP Offer Notification September 15, 2022
(6) – Minneapolis MN Teleconference Specialist (1) – Minneapolis MN Communications Technician(1) -South Dakota Network Technical Specialist /Network Technical Specialist-
(6) – Minneapolis MN Teleconference Specialist (1) – Minneapolis MN Communications Technician(1) -South Dakota Network Technical Specialist /Network Technical Specialist-
We Need to TAKE ACTION August 11, 2022 Friends & Fellow Workers, CWA activists at AT&T, As all of you probably know, despite the newly signed extension of the CWA-AT&T WFH agreement, the vast majority (all?) of AT&T workers are being forced back to the office in the coming weeks. Many groups were already forced Read more…
We have reached an agreement with the company to extend the existing AT&T U.S. Flexible Workplace Program memorandum of agreement (MOA) until March 31, 2023. This MOA has the same provisions as the existing MOA. Participation in the program is at the discretion of the company and entirely voluntary on Read more…
There was a surplus for 1 Special Operations Clerk in Honolulu HI today. No members of Local 1150 or anywhere else were impacted.
We will be having a general membership meeting on May 25, 5pm-8pm. Members are invited to join via zoom. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87244949872?pwd=NW1jalNoVXhwbndEUlNzZHFYYXNidz09
This is to advise you that our ballots were counted and turned in on time. We mailed out 220 and 110 were sent back. 82 Yes & 28 No votes. Once we receive the total numbers from the national office we will share them as well.
please go to the following link to apply for the CWA Scholarship. http://please go to the following link to apply for the CWA Scholarship.
The CWA National office tried to negotiate with AT&T, The company would not negotiate with the union on this topic. The union was able to get AT&T to push the deadline back to Feb 1 from what they wanted which was Jan 1. The company has been given a mandate Read more…
The CWA National office is currently negotiating with AT&T about the vaccine mandate that was issued. Once we have a finalized agreement we will share it with you.
We are happy to announce that the CWA & AT&T have come to an agreement to extend the work from home option. Please note that this does not mean you will automatically be working from home until then, the Company can cancel this at anytime, and needs of the business Read more…