Local 1150 Contract Extension Vote
This is to advise you that our ballots were counted and turned in on time. We mailed out 220 and 110 were sent back. 82 Yes & 28 No votes. Once we receive the total numbers from the national office Read more…
This is to advise you that our ballots were counted and turned in on time. We mailed out 220 and 110 were sent back. 82 Yes & 28 No votes. Once we receive the total numbers from the national office Read more…
please go to the following link to apply for the CWA Scholarship. http://please go to the following link to apply for the CWA Scholarship.
The CWA National office tried to negotiate with AT&T, The company would not negotiate with the union on this topic. The union was able to get AT&T to push the deadline back to Feb 1 from what they wanted which Read more…
The CWA National office is currently negotiating with AT&T about the vaccine mandate that was issued. Once we have a finalized agreement we will share it with you.
We are happy to announce that the CWA & AT&T have come to an agreement to extend the work from home option. Please note that this does not mean you will automatically be working from home until then, the Company Read more…
There was a VTP offer announced today by AT&T. This is to Building, operators, mechanics and technicians. See the attached list for full details
May 25, 2021 Brothers and Sisters, I am writing to inform you that we have reached an agreement with AT&T to extend our work from home agreements in all of our units until September 30, 2021. For over a year, Read more…
Topic: Local 1150’s Membership Zoom Meeting Time: Apr 15, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92655879395?pwd=VHFHRnpmd28rWUZqbnJHRUoreVpGQT09 Meeting ID: 926 5587 9395 Passcode: 911363
There will be a second membership meeting on May 13, 5pm. click this title to see more info about the meeting. https://zoom.us/j/98577742029?pwd=aWN5QTZKTldVSEdqMGsxSmJqSE1SUT09